Trusted Experience, Certified & Professional

My name is Blake Repine and I’ve been helping businesses achieve for over a decade. No challenge is too large for me. I specialise in services and solutions that will help give you peace of mind and keep your business running smoothly.

My qualifications include a Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts in Management and Leadership (Liberty University), an MBA (Norwich University), a Certificate in Disruptive Innovation (Harvard Business School), and a Doctorate in Business Leadership (Torrens University – ongoing). I am a member of the Australian Institue of Company Directors (AICD), a Certified Professional with the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), a Fellow with the Institue of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand (IML).

I am also the author of the book Soldier to Executive: Applying Army Leadership Principles to the Corporate World and the host of the podcast Strategy, Leadership and Impact.

I will provide you with expert knowledge and accountability to ensure we achieve your business goals.